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You’re choosing to work with us to provide an excellent service, with support, advice, guidance and peace of mind as you go through the various stages of organising your wedding. We’ll make each stage as easy as possible, thanks to our precise working methods, to create a tailor-made event that’s flawless, controlled and in your image.



Administrative: quotes, contracts, etc.

Annual & D-Day planning: definition of tasks to be carried out, management of D-Day and annual schedules

Budget & Finance: allocation and distribution of expenses, financial monitoring, management of deadlines, etc.

Accommodation: suggesting hotels or other establishments, managing rooming lists, accompanying and managing guests

Transport: defining routes, proposing and managing pick-up points, accompanying and managing guests


Proposal, administrative and financial follow-up, logistics briefing and management of service providers

Logistical visits to the wedding reception venue(s)

Proposal for Technical & Stage Elements: tents, flooring & coverings

Sound & Lighting

Logistical management of service providers: set-up, assembly and dismantling of reception areas


Creation of Inspiration Boards (Moodbard): Creation of worlds, ambience & scenography (stationery, ceremony areas, dinners, etc.).

Composition & Management of the artistic team: Graphic Designer, Floral Designer, etc…

Making the project a reality: Proposing the artistic concept (flowers, crockery, tablecloths, lighting, etc.)

Proposal for the layout of the reception areas: 2D or 3D plans or drawings


Reception and management of service providers, welcoming guests, accompanying the bride and groom for

D-Day watch





1 Project Manager

2 Coordinators for 80 people

Teams available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week




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